Mentors community is a private digital entrepreneurs group of individuals, that have a vision of transform individuals from traditional employment into a much more fulfilling alternative; where individuals create an income around their visions and passions. Mentor members are encouraged to connect and share their gifts with the world to make it a better place. Among many great positive values that are shared and encouraged in our mentor’s community; the below are really core values that are commonly shared by almost all mentor members.
I- Self-Reliance:
It might be difficult to define self-reliance, as it might mean different things to different people, however In simple terms, it is ‘reliance on one’s own efforts and abilities. Of many great results, you can get from being self-reliant is thinking independently and embracing your individuality.

Thinking independently goes together with trusting yourself, as someone might hide behind common social beliefs to give comfort to justify certain outcomes or behaviors; being able to think independently is crucial to be in charge of your life. Embracing your individuality is another positive consequence of being self-reliant, and it is pivotal to find your visions and passions. Listening to your inner voice and even going against the pressure of conformity is a key to finding success, fulfillment, and discovering your dreams.
III- Financial freedom:

To pay yourself will be a consequence that you will get from learning and acquiring key skills through mentors’ educational platforms, accessing thousands of courses, live webinars, mastermind with your community members, and attending one-to-one coaching with your mentors. Also, you have the opportunity to leverage mentors’ Automated business system. Through the affiliate opportunity available to mentor members, you can immediately apply what you learn and start earning and achieving the financial goals you aspire for.
III- Connection & Contribution:
Embracing the power of genuine human connection; the feeling of being understood, appreciated, accepted, and exchange of positive energy among humans is really something that you can not put a price tag on. The sense of unity that you get through genuine human connection is the most rewarding prize you get in life.
Being a mentor community member since 2018 makes me proud to say; that I was never before, part of passionate, cooperative, and loving humans like this community; every question asked by a member is surely answered by many members. Most members are willing to offer help and support, especially if you are a newbie there is a magical sense of unity that makes you feel that you are not alone, the genuine support and encouragement that you get her “supercharge” you to overcome obstacles that you are facing in your digital entrepreneurial journey.