Abdul R. Sultan

Hello there… and welcome to my Blog, my name is Abdul R. Sultan and this is where I share my personal entrepreneurial knowledge & experience with you, here we can connect and discuss interesting topics like digital marketing, digital economy, marketing technologies, and many more. Whether a technology savvy or not, I strongly believe that there will be something for you here; we can not deny the world is changing rapidly and a new digital economy is rising, this is the time to equip yourself with the latest Digital marketing Know-hows that I will be sharing in this blog, this is the time to gain the vital digital skills you need to benefit in a  new era of wealth generation opportunities.   

My main message in this blog is to  “Now-How to create financial freedom”, this is not a  statement or a slogan; it is more of a mindset, a technique, and understanding, Unfortunately, nobody taught me about how to be financially free, not at school nor at home. Now I am thinking how weird it is; where almost everything in modern societies is about the economy and financial security, how come nobody teaches us about money; the whole education system prepares us to be excellent employees, to accept authority, to give the right answers and be part of the system.

Society, in general, teaches us to play safe, keep our job and avoid loss; it is all about protection, preservation, and security, nothing wrong with that however it is a  shortcut to mediocrity.  What about growth? Fulfillment? Having a dream? freedom? When I thought about all of that, and how I spend that last few years in a job that no longer serves me anymore; a realization came to me and that  “what if I can re-educate my self to be Financially free”… at the end, we are products of our education and society, What if there is a science you can study to be financially free? Those questions triggered me to search deeper for guidance, to look for solutions; I read many great books about business & entrepreneurship, but my favorite was “the science of getting rich” written by Wallace D. wattles, it really opened my eyes to how important for us to reprogram our mindset from long-ingrained patterns of employment, it shifted my perspective, to be more self-reliant and be truly responsible for my life.  

Along the way, I pumped into a private online community called the six-figure mentors (SFM), a community that gathers around entrepreneurship and digital marketing, it embraces the philosophy of “earn while you learn”; simply the best way to learn is to practice and implement what you learn immediately. SFM provides mentorship by mentors who already achieved success in the area of digital marketing and also connects peers together; especially those who are working in a relevant niche of interests. it was great for me to be able to network and mastermind with different kinds of entrepreneurs, furthermore, it provided a business system platform that I can use to leverage my digital marketing activities. it was a perfect opportunity, I falt in love with it and became a member in 2018.             

A Little about me: 

I was born in the ancient middle eastern city named Aleppo, which is famous for making olive oil soaps and its Historic Citadel, I spent my early childhood there and at the age of six, I moved with my parents to the modern city of Abu Dhabi where I did my schooling and college. As a child it was an enriching experience to witness the contrast between two cities; my born-in city: ancient,  old, static, and my grown-up city: new, fast-changing, modern. My dear father was an employee in the justice system, a very straightforward and dedicated family man. My mother had a degree in economics; she was a housewife for most of her life, a devoted mother and wife.

After my college graduation and In pursuing higher education in science, I traveled to Australia where I spend a couple of years studying for a postgraduate degree, it was a beautiful period of my life, with many interesting adventures, friendships, learning, expansion, and travel; however deep down inside I knew I was avoiding something I hated, something I do not belong to; an institutional career with a 9 to 5 working hours,  a rigid system of bureaucracy and authority, a corporate structure that is a misfit for me; and that was what exactly happened to me; maybe because I was focusing on what I hated I ended up stuck with it for many years to come.

After spending those years in traditional 9-5, I came to a conclusion about modern corporation reality; which kind of obvious but came from a personal experience, that corporations operate to serve its owners & shareholders maximally, definitely doesn’t care much about its employees’ wellness nor about customers (to a certain extent only because it has to), at its core modern corporations are profits making machines built for profit-maximizing. I was not the only unfulfilled employee; in fact, I can easily say that in my company where I worked, about 80% of my colleagues were moderate to seriously unfulfilled in their jobs; we were the silent majority. 

In fact, most of us after few years of working with this artificial stressful environment became like Zombies… detached, unmotivated, dreamless. Fortunately, we are not living during the old industrial era, time changed and we have a choice that never existed before, we have the “internet”. The internet revolutionizes every way business has been conducted, but what is really fascinating is that all the digital economy technologies can be used not only by corporations but also by individuals.    

In theory, any individual with an internet connection and computing device on this plant can access the most powerful digital marketing tools. He/she can leverage multi-billion marketing platforms, use the most sophisticated A. I algorithms, reach, and deliver value to thousands of people, just like any multi-billion enterprise can do.   

By embracing this opportunity; we as individuals for the first time in 40,000 years of recorded human race history have true power to be financially independent, self-reliant, and be able to freely express our creativity. amazingly we do not have to be part of any corporation to do so… and this is what inspires me and keeps me up at night.